Tips For a Professional Fence Painting Service

toronto fence painting

If you are looking for an experienced Toronto fence painting service, you have come to the right place. Here, you’ll learn about the process and costs, along with color choices and preparation. Listed below are some of the most important tips for fence painting. Before you begin, make sure to measure your fence’s width and height so you can determine the right size of the brush to use. Also, choose a paint scraper for any chipping and flaking paint. You can also use coarse sandpaper if the paint is too rough.


If you want to paint your fence yourself, you can save money by purchasing supplies. However, you’ll need to spend several hundred dollars for the paint and materials alone. Hiring a pro will save you time and money, and you’ll also get a limited warranty. Paint and stain are two of the most common options. Both cost about the same, and the difference in price is primarily related to the type of finish.

The type of paint you choose will also affect the overall cost of the project. Eggshell paint will cost about $30 to $50 per gallon. It has no shine, so it’s easier to clean than matte finishes. It may be harder to remove stubborn stains, though. For the best results, choose a fence paint with a low sheen. You can also choose an eggshell finish, if you prefer a smooth, matte look.


The first step in preparing your fence for painting is determining whether or not it needs a coat of primer. A primer ensures that the paint will adhere properly to the fence surface and won’t fade. Once the primer is dry, you can apply the paint. Painting a fence is a simple process. However, if you don’t have the time to do the prep work, hiring a professional painting company may be the best option.

When calculating the amount of paint and stain you will need, remember that one gallon of paint will cover 200 square feet. In most cases, it is better to hire an expert to do the job for you. Before hiring Toronto fence painting contractors, ensure that your fencing is in good shape and free of damage. If it’s a wood fence, repairing and repainting it may be required before the paint can be applied. If it’s metal, you should look for colors that are complementary to nearby homes and the neighborhood. The Home Owners Association may also have restrictions on the paint color.


Painting a fence can greatly improve its appearance and add value to a property. To get started, follow the techniques taught by professional painters, and start by preparing the fence. As with any other painting project, preparation is the most important step. To achieve a high-quality finish, you must thoroughly prepare the wood for the painting process. This means removing loose nails and cracked boards, if any. Moreover, make sure to thoroughly check the area for missing spots and thicken up thin areas.

After cleaning the wood, stain it. While staining is cheaper than paint, it requires more maintenance and preparation. The downside is that staining is less durable than paint, as it peels, bubbles, and cracks. Nevertheless, if you do decide to stain the wood, you’ll save time and money by not having to spend so much time on preparation. Furthermore, staining preserves the natural wood look and preserves the color.


If you’re looking to give your exterior a facelift, color your fence in one of Toronto’s most popular colors. If your fence is old and worn, a fresh coat of paint can make a dramatic difference. The right fence painting Toronto service can take care of repairs and repainting, and fix any problems with the wood. If you have a wood fence, there are several different options for painting it but keep in mind that they require repair work.

Staining is another option for protecting your fence. Staining offers an additional layer of protection and comes in an array of colors. Painting, on the other hand, requires less time to apply and dries faster. Unlike staining, fence painting can be done yourself, but you should make sure you use the right equipment to complete the project. Invest in brushes and rollers and learn when to apply the paint. Remember, the weather plays an important role when staining your fence.


Before you decide to paint your fence, make sure it is in good condition and free of obstructions. Remove all patio furniture and garden plants and reposition them out of the way. Remove any wooden pieces that might be in the way. In addition, if your fence is directly on the ground, cut the boards back or secure them with plastic sheeting to avoid paint splashes. If the fence is made of wood, repair the rotten sections before painting.

Before painting your fence, remove any rotten boards and fix any nails. Fill any nail holes and trim away any limbs that may have grown close to the fence. Before painting, use a fence calculator to estimate the materials needed to replace sections. If the wood has deteriorated, you may need to use wood conditioner or pressure wash to achieve a uniform surface color. Finally, consult with a painting contractor to repair damaged areas.